Sunday, March 16, 2008

Big Sister, Hadley

Hadley is excited about being a big sister.

Hadley: "I want to share my toys with Shepherd."

"But not my dolls. Boys don't like dolls."

"Mommy, what is that on his mouth?"

Candace: "Hadley, that's a little boo-boo he was born with."

Hadley: "Why?"

Candace: "That is just how God made him. Kind of like how you have blonde hair and that big tummy!"


Hadley: "Mommy, why does he have that boo-boo?"


Yes, I have been over it a hundred times! Hadley doesn't understand Shepherd's condition but she has big plans for him. She keeps showing me how to hold a baby and feed a baby. It's tender and innocent and I love it. I think she will be a great big sister!

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