You know how you register for items at Target and Babies-R-Us? It’s fun to pick out all that stuff and hope you get it. I remember during our first pregnancy, Chad was equally excited about registering for our little one to come. We went to Babies-R-Us. We strolled in, hand in hand. I was glowing (I really don’t know that for sure, but it sounds nice) and Chad was so happy. We registered at the desk up front and were handed a beeping gadget to help us register electronically. So neat, we were going to go crazy with that thing.
Turns out, registering for a baby is a lot harder than registering for a wedding. When you register for your wedding items, chances are you will actually be somewhat knowledgeable about those items. What they are, how to use them, etc. Heading down Aisle 1 designated, “Bottles, Nipples and Pacifiers” started out with “Awwww…” and ended with “what in the world is that?” and “ I didn’t know there were so many different types of pacifiers, etc”. So ended our first trip to Babies-R-Us. We didn’t even make it through the first aisle before Chad handed that beeper back to the attendant and we went to get ice cream instead.
To any new mother out there, don’t take your husband, take someone that has a baby between 3 months – 1 year. Trust me, you will get a lot more done….correctly. Your husband will not mind, he will probably contribute to that other kid’s college fund he’ll be so thankful.
Now, on to my shower. We have gotten so many things for Shepherd. We have collected many things over this 3 year journey. People have also passed on clothes and I have had a couple of showers in Florida. Of course, people have also given to us financially to aid in the adoption expenses. I have been overwhelmed and even a little embarrassed at times.
There were, however, a couple of items that I either needed or wanted. We did not have a double stroller. I needed a haircut (you can’t meet a new child with bad hair) and there was a certain white shirt that I felt would make my trip more comfortable, not to mention stylish. I was trying to be frugal and practical – both I have a hard time with, especially for a once in a lifetime trip.
Well, here is what happened. I volunteered to go to the bank a couple of days before we left. Now, that in itself is a miracle. I literally can count on one hand the number of times I have been inside a bank since I have been married. It was something I was excited to give up. I don’t like dealing with banks and quite frankly, I still don’t like math. So, we needed to order a certain number of big bills to take as cash. I told Chad that I would go and he could swim with Hadley. Miracle #2. He let me.
I went to the bank and got out of there as fast as I could. I didn’t want to go home just yet, so I stopped into the store where the shirt hung. It looked so lonely. It wanted me, but then I looked at the price tag and new we could not be a couple. The price of the relationship was too high.
Enter Donna Boatwright. She is a minister’s wife at our church that I have recently gotten to know. We have nothing in common. She is calm, cool and collected, you know, everything I am not. I love group games, she does not. I like all that fattening youth group pizza and she does not! We couldn’t be more different. For example, she had a coupon.
I did not.
I ran into Donna in the store and she offeren to buy that shirt I loved, which ended up taking the price way down, where I could afford it! Thanks God and thanks to Donna, who cuts coupons…
Then, we were driving through a neighborhood we always drive through and there was a double stroller with a big sign on it that read, “FREE!”. I ran up to the gal and hugged her neck, telling her all about it. She had 7 children and was glad to get rid of it. I would have offered to babysit or something, but then I thought 7 kids. Just take the stroller and say thanks. And I did. It was also purple, which just happens to be my favorite color!
THEN, I went and got my hair cut. You can see that in the post. What I didn’t tell you was that it was a little pricey (it was a new girl cutting it), BUT my friend, Karen, had sent me just the right amount of m money in the mail to cover “something just for me”. I used it for the haircut. Right down to the last penny.
So, you see, God is into us. As scripture says, “He loves to give us Good Gifts!” AMEN!!!!